/ July 12, 2022
Web safety is also a priority!

Safety first! We have just upgraded our internet security to the maximum with IAC BOX; a GDPR-compliant Internet Access Control system. An award-winning intelligent network gateway with an integrated all-in-one hotspot solution. IAC-BOX regulates internet access in network environments...

/ July 11, 2022
Food safety is a priority for us!

Our hotel has completed a series of kitchen training seminars on “food safety and personal hygiene”, instructed by the food technologist Vassilis Theodosiou, an expert in the subject of this training. Adherence to the rules of good hygienic practice...

/ June 21, 2022
Piraeus: welcome Cyprus!

It’s been 22 full years since the Port of Limassol was last connected to the port of Piraeus with a ferry, allowing travelers to move from Cyprus to Greece and back through the sea. Well, this connection has now...

/ May 5, 2022
New Menu – Thai flavors

If your following Savoy Hotel’s news, we believe we’ve made it clear that our visitor’s genuine satisfaction is our priority. This is why, we always try to continuously upgrade and refresh our facilities and services. This is why we...

/ March 28, 2022
Have you heard of Damana?

Respecting and restoring the goodness of nature.  Luxury often comes in the simplest things. This is the case for our newly arrived bath amenities, which our guests who book our superior rooms and suites can enjoy.  Savoy Hotel has...

/ March 6, 2022
Clean Monday

Carnival celebrations might have been canceled, however, Clean Monday is happening and about to be celebrated! Today, Pasalimani at the Marina Zeus is hosting a custom carnival parade, tempting the younger and older members of the audience to celebrate...

/ February 3, 2022
Museum of Marine Antiquities – Piraeus

Piraeus is an internationally popular destination for many reasons. One more is now added to them, as the study for the creation of the Museum of Marine Antiquities has been completed and approved, as well as its location in...

/ January 19, 2022
Conference rooms and events at Savoy Hotel in Piraeus!

The digital age has come to stay, that’s a fact. But there are also cases where in-person communication is a legitimate choice, or inevitable. For these occasions, the Savoy Hotel allows you to host small and large groups for...

/ January 3, 2022
Goodbye 2021 – Welcome 2022

The Savoy Hotel wishes you a happy 2022! We thank you for your support throughout 2021 as well as for choosing us for your stay! It will be our pleasure to provide you with unique and unforgettable moments in...

/ December 16, 2021
Christmas in Piraeus

Christmas is just around the corner, and the city of Piraeus is ready to make your day-to-day magical with all the Christmas decorations and festivities! The fully-decorated Alexandras Square with Christmas lights, surrounded by all the festive colors of...